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The issues of youth research have been among the core areas of SORA’s work for many years. – Our research work is guided by the question as to what moves young people in various areas of life.

The juvenile phase is not only a subjective biographical period of one’s life during which there are personal developments to cope with, but also a socially determined situation preparing for a life as an adult. Our work is aimed at conveying an image of the young people that does justice to the various conditions and situations of their life. We would like to promote an understanding of the specific requirements and behaviours of young people and show up possible actions to improve their social participation.

In doing so SORA draws on long years of experience and methodological expertise in various topics of youth research, in particular in the area of employment histories, working conditions and labour market integration as well as voting habits and political participation.

Key topics:

One important key topic is the transition from education to employment. We examine career entry processes in a number of projects on graduates of universities and universities of applied sciences as well as in the study “Educational and career processes among youths and young adults”. A project on specific problems with the career entry of young people with migration background followed. The expertise from these projects flows into studies on educational and labour market policy measures for young people such as the “Concept creation for a demand-oriented offer of measures for the promotion of professional integration of young people distant from employment”.

SORA also researches institutional structures, teaching and conveyance forms within the school and extra-school education. One focus is on political education and its effect on political behavior and political participation within the framework of the International Civics and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS).

From 2003 to 2005, within the scope of the key topic Youth and Politics, SORA coordinated the transnational project EUYOUPART on political interest and forms of political expression and action among European youth. Further studies followed on such topics as “Voting with 16” in Austria, and SORA participated in the Federal Government’s democracy initiative “Entscheidend bist Du!”.

Selected projects:

First Austrian Panel Study on Education and Career Paths after Elementary School (2010-2013): The occupational chances of the youth are key issues in discussions on labor market and educational policy. Nevertheless, Austria still lacks empirical data on the phase of the transition from the educational system to the labor market in a longitudinal perspective. On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Labor, Social Issues and Consumer Protection (bmask) and the Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Culture (bm:ukk), SORA carries a panel study with three waves of data collection among elementary school pupils ("Hauptschüler"). more...

Concept creation for a demand-oriented offer of measures for the promotion of professional integration of young people distant from employment (2009-2010): The aim of the study commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection in 2009/2010 is the creation of a concept for a need-based orientation and development of labour market policy measures to support the career entry for young people in danger of being marginalised.

NANOYOU (2009-2011): Since the 1990s the catchword “nanotechnology” stands for the hope for scientific progress as well as for the fear of unexpected dangers. The project NANOYOU is aimed at the generation of young people that, as citizens, consumers and decision makers, will be confronted with the developments in this area.

Young people in Carinthia (2009): Commissioned by the state of Carinthia in 2009, SORA surveyed the life satisfaction and preparedness to emigrate among young people in Carinthia. The goal of this representative study was to develop an action option and strategy scenarios in order to face the emigration trend.

Evaluation of the Vienna Daughters’ Day from 2001 to 2008: Commissioned by the Women’s Department of the City of Vienna (City Council Department 57) in 2008, SORA evaluated the Vienna Daughters’ Day. The study focused on the assessment and discussion of the concept of the Vienna Daughters’ Day as well as the identification of concrete starting points for further development. For this purpose the success factors and development potential of the Vienna Daughters’ Day from the viewpoint of the participating organisations and experts as well as that of the participating girls and their parents were identified, documented and evaluated.

Partners and Cooperations (selection):

  • abif - analyse beratung und interdisziplinäre forschung
  • Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften der Universität Innsbruck
  • Bifie – Bundesinstitut für Bildungsforschung, Innovation und Entwicklung des österreichischen Schulwesens
  • Finnish Youth Research Network
  • DJI – Deutsches Jugendinstitut
  • Plansinn

Selected publications:

Perlot, Flooh / Zandonella, Martina (2010): Wählen mit 16 – Jugendliche und Politik in Österreich, in: SWS Rundschau 49/4, S. 429-445.

Leuprecht, Eva / Putz, Ingrid / Paul, Verena / Kasper, Ruth / Steiner, Karin / Wittinger, Daniela / Kittel, Carmen (2009): Berufseinstieg, Joberfahrungen und Beschäftigungschancen von AbsolventInnen technischnaturwissenschaftlicher FH-Studiengänge, Wien.

Leuprecht, Eva / Putz, Ingrid / Jelenko, Marie / Haydn, Franziska / Kasper, Ruth / Paul, Verena / Wittinger, Daniela / Kittel, Carmen (2009): Berufsfindung und Beschäftigungschancen von UniversitätsabsolventInnen technisch-naturwissenschaftlicher Studienrichtungen in der Privatwirtschaft: Eine empirische Erhebung unter JungabsolventInnen der Studienrichtungen Bauingenieurwesen, Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik, Mathematik, Technische Mathematik, Chemie, Technische Chemie sowie Physik und Technische Physik, Wien.

Schwarzer, Steve / Zeglovits, Eva (2009): Wissensvermittlung, Politische Erfahrungen und Politisches Bewusstsein als Aspekte Politischer Bildung sowie deren Bedeutung für Politische Partizipation. In: Politische Bildung revisited, ÖZP 3 / 2009, S.325-340.

Paul, Verena / Wittinger, Daniela / Blum, Johanna / Kien, Christina / Putz, Ingrid / Trappel, Katharina (2008): Evaluation Töchtertag 2002 bis 2008. Forschungsbericht SORA, Wien

Spannring, Reingard / Ogris, Günther / Gaiser, Wolfgang (Hg.) (2008): Youth and political participation in Europa. Results of the comparative study of EUYOUPART. Opladen, Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich Publishers.