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On July 14th 2005, the EUYOUPART Symposium "Why participate? Youth, Politics and the Future of European Democracy" took place at the Centre Borschette in Brussels, Belgium. The presentation of the measurement instrument and the results obtained by it were met with great interest by the attending EU-Commission representatives, Theodius Lennon, Pierre Mairesse and Michael Buckup (Eurobarometer).

The Symposium was structured in three focal points. Focal Point 1 outlined the importance of EUYOUPART for comparative research and presented the project´s aims and results. Focal Point 2 was dedicated to the EUYOUPART measurement instrument. Focal Point 3 discussed the future of European democracy.

Speakers included researchers of the EUYOUPART team, EU representatives and international experts unrelated to the project.

Focal Point 1: EUYOUPART and the need for comparative research

  • Opening of the Symposium by Günther Ogris (SORA, managing partner and scientific director); Presentation of EUYOUPART and the Aim of the Project Presentation of the EUYOUPART Consortium and Guests
  • Maria Berger, European Parliament (MeP for Austria): Welcoming Address
  • Theodius Lennon, EU Commission (DG Reserach, director of directorate K: Social Sciences and Humanities/Foresight) "EU Support for Social Science Research and the Focus on Youth"
  • Pierre Mairesse, EU Commission (DG Education and Culture, director of directorate D: Youth, Sports and Relations with the Citizen) "Youth, Politics and the Role of the EU"
  • Sabine Westphal, SORA "Analysis of the EUYOUPART project results on Youth Political Participation across Europe"

Focal Point 2: Measurement Instrument

  • Franziska Wächter (DJI German Youth Institute): "The EUYOUPART Measurement Instrument: Advances and Further Challenges"
  • Michael Buckup (EUROBAROMETER team): "The EURPBAROMETER and the Challenges of Comparative Research"
  • Peter Mohler (director, ZUMA Centre for Survey Research and Methodology): "The Challenge of Comparative Surveys"

Focal Point 3: Discussion on "The Future of European Democracy"

  • Anne Muxel (Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques CEVIPOF): "Which Factors Can Motivate Youth Participation in European Democracy?"
  • Hans Joachim Schild (Coordinator for the Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe; Youth Office): "What Can the COE and the EU Do to Foster Youth Political Participation?"
  • Philippe C. Schmitter (European University Insitute): "The Future od European Democracy and the Role of Youth in the Future Democracy. How Should Young People Participate in Europe?"
  • Claire Wallace (IHS Institute for Advanced Studies/University of Aberdeen): "The Social and Political Participation of Young People in Europe"