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Labor Market & Employment

Within the scope of labor market research, SORA has been specialising for over ten years in employment histories, working conditions and in labor market integration of individuals with increased labor market risks.

Growing unemployment, structural unemployment and the concentration of unemployment on certain labour market groups result in polarisation of labor market situations. New risks emerge in employment histories in respect of integration, continuance and retirement from the workforce. In parallel, there develops a labor market with unprotected and socially insufficiently secured employment conditions. Participation barriers remain despite promotion of labor market integration of disadvantaged groups within the scope of an active labor market policy.

SORA labor market research delivers empirical studies, analyses and evaluations with high orientation for application in public administration and labor market institutions. It is a contribution to evidence-based policy making at the interface between the labor market and social policy.

Key topics:

  • regional and sectoral labour market studies
  • transition from education to a professional career and the professional orientation phase
  • apprentice training and integrative education
  • trainings and employment processes in individual industries and population groups
  • qualification measures and promotion opportunities
  • quality of employment services
  • labor market re-entry following unemployment or unpaid leave
  • working conditions (work satisfaction, working time, new forms of employment, work and health)

SORA projects are designed by a multidisciplinary team and are based on the combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Selected projects:

First Austrian Panel Study on Education and Career Paths after Elementary School (2010-2013): The occupational chances of the youth are key issues in discussions on labor market and educational policy. Nevertheless, Austria still lacks empirical data on the phase of the transition from the educational system to the labor market in a longitudinal perspective. On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Labor, Social Issues and Consumer Protection (bmask) and the Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Culture (bm:ukk), SORA carries a panel study with three waves of data collection among elementary school pupils ("Hauptschüler"). more...

Evaluation of the competency balance in the Vienna Employment Promotion Fund (2009): For further optimisation of the competency balance the Vienna Employment Promotion Fund instructed SORA in co-operation with the Agnes Streissler economic-political project consulting agency to evaluate the project. A complex multi-method design which factors in the prospects of the various target groups and the programme’s stakeholders was used.

Labour market problems of young people with migration background: factor of influence on professional integration processes (2008): Commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Labour SORA examined professional integration processes of young people who or whose parents immigrated to Austria. The study focuses on young people of around 20 years of age and on individuals with a Turkish and ex-Yugoslavian background. In addition to the analysis of data of the labour market database of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Labour and of the Austrian Public Employment Service personal guideline-based interviews were conducted with young people with migration background as well as with experts.

Career entry and employment chances of graduates of technical studies at universities (2008-2009): Within the scope of the series of studies “Career Entry of Graduates” commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Science and Research SORA and abif examined the career entry of university graduates of technical and scientific study facilities.

Evaluation of the EQUAL DP First Aid in Integration (2006-2007): The goal of the development partnership First Aid in Integration is to develop standards for successful integration of asylum seekers into the labour market and to create public awareness for the employment situation of asylum seekers. SORA conducted a comparative evaluation of the EQUAL development partnership First Aid in Integration.

Cooperations and networks:

Selected publications:

Schönherr, Daniel / Hacker, Evelyn / Hofinger, Christoph / Michenthaler, Georg (2014): Existenzsicherung bei Arbeitslosigkeit. Individuelle Strategien zur Existenzsichunger bei Arbeitslosigkeit in Wien. IFES und SORA.

Schönherr, Daniel / Edlmayr, Christa (2013): Evaluierung von AQUA in Oberösterreich. Im Auftrag des Arbeitsmarktservice Oberösterreich.

Hofinger, Christoph / Kien, Christina / Michenthaler, Georg / Raml, Reinhard (2009): Zwölf Jahre österreichischer Arbeitsklima-Index - Erkenntnisse und Ausblick, IN: Kistler, Ernst / Mußmann, Frank (Hg.): Arbeitsgestaltung als Zukunftsaufgabe. Die Qualität der Arbeit. Hamburg: VSA, S. 122-142.

Wittinger, Daniela / Paul, Verena / Kien, Christina / Kittel Carmen / Breuer Johanna (2009): Kontext- und Ursachenanalyse: „Grenzland-Vergleich in der mobilen und stationären Pflege im Innviertel/Oberösterreich und in Altötting/Bayern“. Endbericht zum Interreg-Projekt „Zukunft PFLEGEN – Grenzüberschreitendes Agemanagement in der Pflege“.

Leuprecht, Eva / Putz, Ingrid / Jelenko, Marie / Haydn, Franziska / Kasper, Ruth / Paul, Verena / Wittinger, Daniela / Kittel, Carmen (2009): Berufsfindung und Beschäftigungschancen von UniversitätsabsolventInnen technisch-naturwissenschaftlicher Studienrichtungen in der Privatwirtschaft: Eine empirische Erhebung unter JungabsolventInnen der Studienrichtungen Bauingenieurwesen, Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik, Mathematik, Technische Mathematik, Chemie, Technische Chemie sowie Physik und Technische Physik, Wien.

Paul, Verena / Kien, Christina (2007): Teilzeitbeschäftigung in Oberösterreich zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit. Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung der Teilzeitwünsche von beim AMS Oberösterreich als arbeitsuchend gemeldeten Frauen und der Teilzeitpraxis in oberösterreichischen Betrieben, Linz / Wien.

Mosberger, Brigitte /Jelenko, Marie / Kaupa, Isabella / Kien, Christina (2007): Erwerbsbiographien und Qualifikationsprofile von Diplomierten Pflegebediensteten, AMS Österreich, Abt. Arbeitsmarktforschung und Berufsinformation (Hg.), AMS info 98, Wien: Communicatio.

Kien, Christina / Salfinger, Brigitte (2006): Arbeitssituation von Beschäftigten in der Tourismusbranche im Salzkammergut, in: SWS-Rundschau 3/2006, S. 330-356.

Kien, Christina / Salfinger, Brigitte (2006): Arbeitssituation von Beschäftigten in der Tourismusbranche im Salzkammergut, in: SWS-Rundschau 3/2006, S. 330-356.