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Ausgewählte Publikationen von Dr.in Bettina Leibetseder

Social Investment Policies in the EU

Leibetseder, Bettina (2017): Social Investment Policies and the European Union: Swimming against the Neoliberal Tide? Comparative European Politics: published online. mehr

Intensified social assistance landscapes in Austria, Belgium and Norway

Gubrium, E. / Leibetseder, B. / Dierckx, D. / Raeymackers, P. (2017): Investing in work: A multi-level assessment of intensified social assistance landscapes in Austria, Belgium and Norway. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy: accepted for publication.

Subsidiarity and Social Citizenship

Leibetseder, Bettina et al. (2016): Subsidiarity and Social Citizenship: Social Assistance Schemes in Austria, Belgium, Switzerland and Norway, International Journal of Social Welfare: published online. mehr

Aktivierung in der österreichischen Sozialhilfe

Leibetseder, Bettina (2015): Activation in the Austrian Social Assistance Scheme – Unproductive Pressure and Low Support. Social Policy & Administration: 49, 5: 549-570.

Soziale Konstruktion von Ungleichheit in der Sozialhilfe

Altreiter, C. / Leibetseder, B. (2015): Constructing Inequality: Deserving and Undeserving Clients in Austrian Social Assistance Offices. Journal of Social Policy, 44, 1: 127-145. mehr

Bedarfsorientierte Mindestsicherung in Österreich

Leibetseder, B. / Altreiter, C. / Leitgöb, H. (2015): The new means-tested minimum income in Austria: discretion and regulation in practice. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 23, 1: 57-70. mehr

Gender und Sozialpolitik:

Leibetseder, Bettina (2014): Gender und Sozialpolitik: Ein Transformationsansatz. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 39, 1: 23-41. mehr

Inklusion und Exklusion in der Sozialhilfe

Leibetseder, Bettina (2014): Social assistance in Austria: regulating the poor as in-between. European Journal of Social Work, 17, 1: 104-117. mehr

Kinderbetreuungsgeld in Österreich

Leibetseder, Bettina (2013): Parental leave benefit in Austria. Stratified take-up in a conservative country. International Review of Sociology, 23, 3: 542-563. mehr

Erfahrungsdimensionen in der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik

Leibetseder, Bettina / Kranewitter, H. (2012): Activation and the Austrian social assistance: permanent entry. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 32, 7/8: 448-460. mehr