Election of the European Parliament in Austria 1999

Austria never before witnessed such a huge voter transition at a nationwide election. About half a million voters shifted between the three biggest parties from the EU-election in 1996 to the EU-election in 1999. Only 2 million voters voted for the same party at both EU-elections. That's about one third of all Austrian people entitled to vote.

In comparison to other parties the ÖVP voters were the most loyal European voters. More than two thirds of former ÖVP voters of the last EU-election went to this election as well. The ÖVP (People's Party) lost 104.000 voters to the SPÖ, 114.000 voters to the FPÖ and 25.000 voters to the Greens. In return they gained 44.000 voters from the SPÖ, thus the SPÖ won more voters from the ÖVP than they lost in return. The CSA didn't harm the ÖVP as much as expected: only 10.000 voters shifted to the CSA.

Among the three biggest parties the SPÖ (Social Democrats)gained most votes, namely 104.000 from the ÖVP and 123.000 from the FPÖ. That's why the SPÖ got a positive vote flow outcome. Their loss of 312.000 voters to the non voters, however, is considerable.

For the first time the FPÖ (Freedom Party) gained less than 1 million votes at a nationwide election since the national election in 1990. About the half of former FPÖ voters of the EU-election in 1996 didn't vote this time. The FPÖ gained further voters from the ÖVP (114.000) and the SPÖ (95.000).

The Greens also lost voters to the non voters (62.000), but gained between 23.000 and 25.000 voters from the ÖVP, the SPÖ and the Liberals. The Greens could keep 65% of its former voters. Thus the mobilisation of its standing voters led to a clear success. All in all the Greens gained as many votes as they did at the last EU-election. As all the other parties lost votes at this election, the Greens could enlarge their amount on votes in comparison to the EU-election in 1996.

The Liberals could only mobilise one forth of former voters of the EU-election in 1996. They lost more than 40% of her voters to the non voters. Although they could gain a moderate amount of votes from the big parties this mobilisation couldn't compensate their losses.