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EUYOUPART (2003-2005)

Political Participation of Young People in Europe - Development of Indicators for Comparative Research in the European Union

The aim of EUYOUPART was to develop a high-quality instrument for the comparative measurement of political participation of young people (aged 15-25 years) in Europe. The measurement instrument developed is a model questionnaire which builds up on the strengths and weaknesses of existing empirical studies on youth and politics.

The research team was able to achieve a high level of comparability of the data on current political participation of young Europeans in the eight participating countries. This is an important success for comparative research. The comparable indicators allow for a realistic picture of the political participation of young people in all eight participating countries, which may serve as a basis for the development of a consistent European youth policy.


The model questionnaire has been put into practice in interviews with 8.030 Europeans between the age of 15 and 25. The results show how young people in Europe participate politically and whether they are interested in politics or not: EUYOUPART Results

EUYOUPART was among the top 10 projects in the 3rd call/5th framework programme of the European Commission. Its scientific consortium consisted of nine interdisciplinary partner institutes from eight European countries. The project was managed by SORA as scientific and administrative coordinator.

EUYOUPART was funded under the 5th framework programme of the European Commission.

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